Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Experiment gone wrong

Experiment gone wrong
Well all the work I did to my companion gardening to my roses was ruined today. It took me two days of work to get the garden ready and plant the onions. Actually it had taken me a year to get the poison out of the ground from last year.Chemicals got on my roses and onions.

I am not even going to go in details on how it got there.I read the ingridents...well it said DO NOT HANDLE with your bare hands, do not get it in your eyes. Well if I can't handle it with my hands I really dont want it in my food. We have fertilizer already its called compost. I am sure it works well but its not what I want my family to be eating. Its like the giant tomotoe that might grow in a Neclear waste dump its huge, its big and red but would you eat it?

So I pulled all the onions except the chives in the pot and when my compost is ready I will spread it on my rose soil and start all over again and give it another year and try it again. We wont be eating any rose petals once again with our salads for another year.My tomotoe plant in the middle of my roses at least thank goodness was not touching the roses because I had a black thing around it so I am going to leave that be for now.

I just planted carrots near them so hopefully it will be ok.Its still a bit early and Tom said the onions are still for sale at the local feed market so I am going to stop by tomorrow to pick some up and plant them in our new garden instead.Sam